3 Tips for Making Your Newborn Session Easier


A muslin or oversized swaddle blanket

is the perfect way to wrap up your

little lovely to be photographed.


For months and months you've been planning. From birth plans to car seat choices, making decisions has been a significant part of your life lately. Here are a couple of suggestions about your newborn photography session to hopefully make this process a little simpler.

baby feet

What should my baby wear?

Newborn baby clothes are my favorite thing to walk by without intention of buying at the store like cake is for me at the grocery store. I just love to look at all those mini bow ties and fluffy little skirts. With so many fabulous choices it can be hard to narrow down the clothing options for a newborn session.

May I suggest . . a swaddle blanket and a solid colored outfit.

A muslin or oversized swaddle blanket is the perfect way to wrap up your little lovely to be photographed.

Choose your favorite outfit and let’s go with that!

Multiple outfit changes can be disruptive to a sleeping baby. Other times, changing a baby mid-shoot can change the rhythm we’ve got going. Choosing one outfit that best fits your goals for the session helps things moving along and within your baby’s timetable for the session.

Our session will include all those special newborn details, like baby toes and fingers so no shoes required.

Before we get started

Whether you’re coming to see me or I’m coming to see you having your new baby dressed and diapered is helpful.

Often newborns are sleeping when they arrive. If they are diapered and dressed already, we can get started right off!
If I’m coming to you, the same is true. I can start working with them right where they are.

What about big brother or sister?

Again, whether we are in the studio or at home, it’s a great idea to bring something that they can keep happy with while we are focusing on your newest addition.
Crayons and paper for the artist or a dry snack like crackers are a helpful way for siblings to play and keep happy.

I’m happy to chat and check in with you about outfit choices, blanket colors, and how I include siblings in pictures - just reach out!

If you are looking for a simple, styled newborn photography session give me a call.


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