Easy and Fun Toddler photos


The thing is, whatever it is

they do . . . it’ll be perfect!


Photographing the Best of your Toddler

The very thing that makes for spontaneous and real laughs is pretty much the same thing that can give parents pause about booking a family session with toddlers - the sometimes unpredictable nature of toddlerhood. ⁠

⁠When it comes to toddlers, I am expecting the unexpected!

⁠Toddlers may want to run the entire time we are together. They may want to hide. They may want to do every single thing their older brother or sister does. This happens all the time!

sitting on a bench

The thing is, whatever it is they do . . . it’ll be perfect! That's not me being overly optimistic - really. I say "perfect" because photographing a toddler being themself is exactly my goal.

If your toddler wants to run, then I have a plan for that! ⁠

If your toddler wants to hide, then I have a plan for that! ⁠

I work efficiently, and I check in with you as the session progresses to make sure we are getting the images we wanted, and that your toddler is feeling great!

By the end of our session, we will have a selection of images that reflect a little slice of your family’s life, and the tremendousness of toddlerhood. ⁠


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