What is Modern Studio Photography?

father and teenage sons

It's lots and lots of things that I really love, actually, but one of the most important ones is that it's a location all your own.

The studio is a comfy and private place for you and your family to spend time together, without distraction.

I used to think studio photography was . . . no fun and kind of too formal... but generally we laugh too much and too easily for things to be too serious for long!

Father and son

I also used to think that, worst of all, studio photography was not genuine!But when I actually started to work in the studio, all of my negative expectations just weren't my actual experiences.

The Fun of Studio Photography

I typically approach all family photography with a light heart. I love to laugh and keeping things fun is just how I like to work. One of my goals in photography sessions is to aim for everyone to walk away thinking about their family and how much they enjoy each other's company.

Studio photography is a really lovely option for families to spend time together. I may prompt you to talk to or think about your family in simple but happy ways that usually make us all laugh, as well as have fun with one another.

My goal as a photographer is to create images of you and your family that show the love I see between each other. In studio, outside, or in your home, the way we photograph what your family means to one another is the same.


How We Get Natural Looking Photos in a Studio


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