Can Our Pets Be In Our Family Photos?


Dogs, cats, hamsters, a cow, goats, horses, a bearded dragon, chickens, and a rabbit. I have photographed families with them all.

I love when families want to include their pets in their family sessions! Living in an agricultural community, like ours, means that sometimes our pets are more barnyard than backyard but that doesn't mean they can't be included.


Keep Your Expectations Flexible

Sometimes, pets look exactly where you'd like them too. Bringing their favorite squeaky toy or treat for me to keep their attention can really help. Sometimes, they are just excited to be in a new place and they may be more eager to play than look at me. Sometimes, the best moments are when they are playing and having fun with you!

Pet Friendly Locations

Having a session at your home is really the simplest place to include your furry, feathery, or scaly friends. Of course, parks work well for dogs but I've been surprised by how well cats have done at the park too. Truly, you know your pet best. If you think you're pet would be happy in the studio, I'd love to see him or her there too! The time our families get to spend with our pets is never long enough. Having a beautiful memory of them is a wonderful keepsake to hold onto for years to come.



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