Printed Photography versus Digital
To me, digital files are primarily a form of storage because, of course, it is the way we store them.
Why I Made the Move to Printed Photography
Sometimes, I tell the story of how I every time I walk into my parents' bedroom, which is not all that often, I giggle at the hanging framed canvas they have of me as a baby, in the frilliest dress ever dreamt up, that 40+ years later still hangs on their wall.
Sometimes, I tell people about the many comments I get about how much my daughters have grown when they look at the images of them I have on my walls.
I tell people stories like these to explain just a few of the reasons why I have committed to printing photography instead of delivering digitals only.
I believe photography should be displayed. I really think that the best way to treasure it is by being able to see it. I have seen up close the feeling my daughters have when a new image of them is hung in our home, especially the ones that bring up a specific memory.
There is a reason printed photography is also called "artwork" and is exhibited in galleries. A beautiful, professionally created image is just that.
I think of my personal photography - the images that are printed for my home, my parents' home, and for showing, as well as the effort and science that goes into making sure it is printed exactly how I wanted it to look. There are years of experience in seeing a photograph taken all the way from capture to to print that I take pride in being a big part of my job.
OK, well I'm not exactly ditching them since I use a DSLR, after all, but I am 100% committed to making sure that your photography does not live on a USB drive. Digitals are absolutely the way most of us share images these days, but posts and texts are quick, temporary ways of sharing something. As a digital file is shared, saved, shared again, texted, etc., the file itself degrades, losing bits of data each time it's emailed and attached to a message.
To me, digital files are primarily a form of storage because, of course, it is the way we store them. The way we really get to enjoy our memories - I mean really love, cherish, "ooh" and "ahh" at our families is by looking at those moments day by day. Seeing those moments when I come downstairs every morning, hanging on our walls, is how I enjoy them. I love the feeling and experience of leaning into my couch, holding onto an album, and looking through it. There is just something to it. It's this something that I like to share with my girls. I hope these albums will be there, many years from now, and that my little loves will one day have them to hold onto, as well.
or the third year in a row, a parent has reached out to me looking for something different than the pictures that were taken way back in August at hollister high school. Right off the bat, I want to say that you can not compare volume photography - the back to back ones that happen at school - to an individual portrait session that I provide.
The two experiences are just not the same.