The Modern Family Portrait


What constitutes the modern family portrait

is defined uniquely by you.


Embracing Inclusivity

The definition of a "modern family" has evolved significantly over recent decades. Gone are the days when the traditional nuclear family was the standard for family portraits. Today, the modern family portrait embraces diversity and inclusivity, acknowledging that family can come in many forms. What constitutes the modern family portrait is defined uniquely by you. Including your ex-partner, a brother, or a mother and child exclusively is a beautiful and meaningful choice.


The Changing Face of Families

Families in the 21st century are far from the stereotypical image of a mother, father, and their biological children. Modern families can be blended, single-parent, LGBTQ+, or consist of close-knit friends who consider each other family. As society evolves, so does the concept of family. Therefore, modern family portraits reflect the diversity of familial bonds and relationships. You define your family. 

Co-Parenting and Including Your Ex

One of the most significant changes in family dynamics in recent years is the prevalence of co-parenting arrangements. When a couple separates or divorces, they often choose to co-parent their children, ensuring that both parents play an active role in their child's life. Including your ex-spouse in a family portrait can be a powerful symbol of your commitment to co-parenting and providing a stable environment for your children. It shows that, despite the end of your romantic relationship, you are united in your love and support for your children.

Celebrating Sibling Bonds

Siblings share a unique and enduring bond that is unlike any other. Whether you want to capture the playful rivalry or the unbreakable connection between your siblings, including them in your family portrait is a heartwarming choice. These photos can be a beautiful reminder of the special relationship between brothers or sisters, and they can become treasured keepsakes as the years go by. And what a gift to your children to have special images of them with their favorite uncle or aunt! 

Parent and Child Exclusively

Sometimes, the love between a parent and their child is so profound that it deserves its own spotlight. An exclusive mother/father and child portrait can capture the depth of that bond in a way that is both tender and emotionally resonant. These images can be a powerful expression of paternal love and the unique connection between a parent and their child.


Beyond Blood Ties

Modern family portraits don't necessarily revolve around blood relationships. They can also include close friends, mentors, or anyone who plays a significant role in your life. These chosen family members are often just as important, if not more so, than biological relatives. Including them in your family portrait is a way to honor and celebrate these deep connections. 

A Reflection of Your Unique Story

Your family portrait should be a reflection of your unique story and the relationships that matter most to you. Whether that includes your ex, siblings, or an exclusive moment between a mother or father and child, the choice is yours. The beauty of modern family portraits lies in their ability to capture the essence of your family, whatever form it may take.



The modern family portrait is a celebration of diversity and inclusivity. It embraces the evolving nature of family relationships and reflects the many ways in which people choose to define and create their families. So, whether you want to include your ex-spouse, highlight the sibling bond, or capture an exclusive moment between a parent and child, remember that your family portrait is a canvas for your unique story and the love that binds you together.

If you have a question or have an idea for your family portraits, Iā€™d love to hear it. Send me an email.



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