Gratitude From behind the Lens

autumn watercolored paper leaves

find a tradition that resonates

with your creative spirit


A Thanksgiving Reflection

As Thanksgiving approaches, I find myself reflecting on the moments that have shaped my year, and I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. As a photographer, I have the privilege of focusing on very specific times in people’s lives, capturing the beauty in both ordinary and extraordinary moments. This Thanksgiving, I want to share a tradition that has become a heartfelt expression of gratitude for me and my family.

watercolored paper and watercolor paint palette and paintbrushes
paper leaves cut out and painted with fall tones watercolors

In the midst of the unpredictable schedule that often defines my life, I've discovered solace in a simple yet meaningful tradition. Each year, my family and I come together to celebrate Thanksgiving, not just as a time for enjoying the super delicious casseroles my Tias make, but as an opportunity to express our gratitude in a unique and artistic way. Beginning the first day of November, the kids and I gather around the table, armed with watercolor paper and paintbrushes, ready to create and reflect together.

The tradition involves crafting "gratitude leaves" – little pieces of art that symbolize the things we are thankful for. As a photographer, I draw inspiration from the beauty that I encounter, and this tradition allows me to channel that inspiration into a tangible expression of gratitude.

We start by using wet on wet watercolor on watercolor paper - which is important to use as it’s much heavier that copy or construction paper and won’t degrade when wet. I don’t limit my girls to fall colors only. It’s art, why not let them express themselves. One the paint and paper have dried we each cut leaf shapes out of the watercolor paper. Since we are cutting these free hand they are not always the most accurate looking leaves but as long as their is room to write down a thought I say, mission accomplished.

While the painting and cutting can be a bit of a therapeutic process, the process of taking a moment to reflect on the positive aspects of our lives amid the hustle and bustle of daily routines in an effort to write down what we are grateful for is really tremendous.


From the smallest joys to the most profound blessings, each leaf holds a personal story.

The resulting collection of gratitude leaves becomes a kaleidoscope of emotions, a visual representation of the richness of our lives. These leaves, adorned with words of thanks and painted with care, serve as a reminder of the beauty that exists in our world, even in challenging times.

As a photographer, this tradition has taught me to appreciate the intangible moments that often escape the lens. It's a pause button in the fast-paced world, a deliberate act of slowing down to appreciate the intricacies of gratitude. Each year, as we revisit the leaves from seasons past, and are reminded of the evolution of our thankfulness, the changing colors of our lives captured on paper.

gratitude notes on the back of watercolor paper leaves

This Thanksgiving, consider trying new and unique ways of expressing gratitude. Whether through the lens of a camera or the stroke of a paintbrush, find a tradition that resonates with your creative spirit. As a photographer, I've discovered that sometimes, the most powerful images are the ones we create with our hearts, and the gratitude leaves are a testament to the beauty found in both the seen and the unseen.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with moments of reflection, creativity, and, above all, gratitude.


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