Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone: My September Instagram Challenge Journey


that growth often occurs when

we step into the Unknown and

face our fears head-on


Showing Up In My Instagram Stories

As a photographer, I've always believed in the power of visuals to tell a story, capture emotions, and connect people across distances. But today, I want to share a different kind of story, a personal one. A story that unfolded on social media over the past month – my participation in the "Show My Face on Instagram Stories" that my photography coach challenged us to participate for the month of September.

This challenge encourages individuals to step in front of the camera, share glimpses of their daily lives, and interact with their followers in a more personal way. As someone who usually prefers to stay behind the lens, this was both an exciting and daunting challenge for me. But mostly daunting.


One of the spots with good natural light in the studio that I spent more time than I will tell you making and remaking 30 second videos.


Why It Was Hard

  1. Nervousness:

    I must admit that I was incredibly nervous when I first considered participating. Being a photographer has always been about capturing moments, not being in them. The idea of speaking/making short videos was anxiety-inducing, to say the least.

  2. Fear of Saying the Wrong Thing:

    In the world of social media, once you put yourself out there, there's no turning back. I was afraid of stumbling over my words or saying something that might be misunderstood or misconstrued. This fear of making mistakes has held me back from doing this kind of thing for years but I decided - not this time.

  3. Speaking Too Fast:

    Another challenge I faced was my tendency to speak too fast, especially when I'm nervous. I was concerned that my words might come across as a jumbled mess, making it difficult for you to understand what I was trying to convey.

Why It Was Good

  1. Answering Questions:

    One of the most rewarding aspects of this challenge was the opportunity it provided to interact with you on a deeper level. I received questions about photography products, equipment, and even personal inquiries about some of my processes as a photographer. This allowed me to share my knowledge and passion with you in a more direct way.

  2. Building Personal Connections:

    Through Instagram Stories, I got to know many of you better! Sharing snippets of my life, such as my favorite photography prints or my behind the scene preschool routines, allowed me to connect with you on a more personal level. It was heartwarming to see your responses and engage in meaningful conversations.

  3. Overcoming Fears:

    Participating in this challenge forced me to confront my fears of speaking in front of a camera and the possibility of making mistakes. While it was initially intimidating, I learned that authenticity and vulnerability can be endearing qualities. By embracing my imperfections, I was able to put my worries on the back burner and really embrace the imperfectness of me.

In the end

. . . challenge to "Show My Face” daily was a valuable experience that pushed me out of my comfort zone. Like way out of it. It reminded me that growth often occurs when we step into the unknown and face our fears head-on. I want to thank each and every one of you for your support, encouragement, and the incredible conversations we had throughout the month.

Moving forward, I intend to continue sharing more of my journey as a photographer and as an individual. I hope you'll join me on this exciting path, and together we can create even more beautiful memories.

If being in front of the camera is a fear you have, I now have some fresh experiences with those nerves. Send me an email and let’s talk about how we can make your portrait session a good and comfortable experience for you.


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