Getting Your Young Kids Excited for School Picture Day

Preschool aged girl wearing glitter bowed headband, floral dress with lavender tulle skirt.

Ever show some of your own

school pictures to your kids?


Ideas for Getting Your Preschoolers

Excited to Take pictures 

Us parents typically LOVE school pictures of our kids. While we think of them as cherished moments that capture your child's growth year after year, they may start to think of them as uncomfortable. From sitting still to clothing that they may not usually wear, I think it’s fair to say that for some children's expectations on picture day may be a little different than most school days.  But a lot of kid’s concerns can be eased by a few kind words. Here’s how you can turn the lead-up to school picture day into a fun and positive experience for your kids.

Happy preschool aged girl wearing glitter bowed headband, floral dress with lavender tulle skirt.
Preschool aged girl wearing glitter bowed headband, floral dress with lavender tulle skirt while sitting.  glitter bowed headband, floral dress with lavender tulle skirt.

Start the Excitement Early

Begin talking about school picture day a few days before. Explain why it’s special and share how these photos will be a part of their memories forever. Oftentimes, little ones are super eager to take pictures knowing that a favorite grandparent, aunt or big brother or sister is going to see them. You can even show them some of your own school pictures to make it more fun!

Make Preparation a Team Effort

Involve your kids in the getting ready process. Let them help pick out their outfit but keep the choices simple. Give them two options that you’re happy with and let them choose their favorite. This gives them a sense of ownership and excitement about how they’ll look on the big day.

Practice Smiles and Poses

Ok. So I was not on board when I first heard that parents would practice with their kids. I just thought that it wouldn't really make a difference. But having seen children who have practiced with their parents I’m a believer.  Children learn through play so why not make it fun! Practice by having your child try out different smiles and poses. Make it fun and silly—encourage them to be themselves, and maybe throw in a few goofy faces to keep things light hearted. The more they practice, the more confident they’ll feel on the day.

Offer a Fun Reward

Even with a little practice some children may still be unsure about picture day. A little motivation can go a long way. Promise a small treat after the photos are taken—maybe their favorite snack, a trip to the park, or a fun activity they enjoy. Knowing there’s something to look forward to can make the experience even more exciting.

black and white photograph of Preschool aged girl wearing glitter bowed headband, floral dress with lulle skirt.

Keep the Mood Light and Positive The Morning of Picture Day

Sometimes the morning rush of getting dressed and getting hair ready may cause a busier than usual type of morning. I have to remind myself all the time to focus on the fun and enjoyment of the day rather than stressing over getting the "perfect" picture look. If your child is relaxed and happy, their personality will shine through in the photos. Remind them that it’s okay to just be themselves.

Ensure They’re Well-Rested and Ready

I absolutely know what it feels like to have your picture made when you're tired. It’s rough.  A good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast can make all the difference in how your child feels on picture day. When they’re well-rested and comfortable, they’re more likely to be in a great mood, which will reflect in their smile.


Celebrate After the Photos

At the end of picture day, share in the excitement of how the photos turned out (even if you haven’t seen them yet). All this hype just reinforces the positive experience and allows for them to look forward to the next one.

School picture day is more than just a chance to get a good photo; it’s an opportunity to create happy memories with your child. With a little preparation and a lot of enthusiasm, you can make it a day they’ll remember with a smile. Each positive experience lends itself to developing a pattern and trust in the idea that taking pictures can be fun.


Read more about getting kids ready for picture day.


Why You Need Headshots Every year